Jewish-owned department stores

Jewish-owned department stores Before the turn of the century in 1900, Hanover undergoes a radical transformation, becoming not only an industrial city but also a shopping metropolis. As a result, six department stores are built. Four of them are founded by Jewish businessmen and developed into large companies – until, that is, the economic crisis…

former “Jewish house”, Herschelstrasse

Former “Jewish house”, Herschelstrasse Forced to move house: following a directive from the city authorities on 3 September 1941, more than 1200 Jewish citizens in Hanover had to leave their homes within the space of a few hours. They were forced to move into 15 “Jewish houses” dotted around the city. One of these was…

Königsworther Platz alias “Horst-Wessel-Platz”

Königsworther Platz alias “Horst-Wessel-Platz” Murderers and their victims. The story of two villas located on the same square. “Villa Simon” had belonged to the Jewish Berliner family of entrepreneurs since 1895. In 1941, it was acquired by the Hanover city authorities. Its Jewish occupants were deported. A few blocks away stood the villa housing SS-District…

The Technical University and Theodor Lessing

The Technical University and Theodor Lessing A castle turned university: the main building of present-day Leibniz University not only looks like a castle, it was actually built as a Guelph palace. However, after the war against Prussia was lost in 1866, the Kingdom of Hanover ceased to exist. Hanover became the Prussian provincial capital. Shortly…

Jewish community centre in Ohestrasse

Jewish community centre in Ohestrasse At the end of the 19th century, a community centre was established on the edge of Calenberger Neustadt, which offered teacher training, a boarding school, a day nursery for children and a religious school. After the Second World War, the buildings become the most important place of refuge for Jewish…

Former Jewish community house in Lützowstrasse

Jewish community house in Lützowstrasse Once a centre of Jewish life: on the site where a bland multi-storey car park now stands, there once stood the community house, a centre of Jewish life in Hanover. The commission for its design had been awarded in 1875 to the architect Edwin Oppler who, not long before, had…

Old Jewish cemetery

Old Jewish cemetery The Old Jewish Cemetery in Nordstadt, not far from the Christuskirche, is an amazing sight: a mound in the middle of the residential district, upon which stand hundreds of old gravestones set beneath tall trees, a walled island of the departed. Hanover: “Juden-Kirchhof” [Jewish churchyard]: The cemetery hill depicted on a drawing…

Memorial at the site of the New Synagogue

Memorial at the site of the New Synagogue “In the German Style”: in 1870, the New Synagogue, designed by the eminent Jewish architect Edwin Oppler, is inaugurated at its location on an open square in Calenberger Neustadt. Its scale and architectural style express a new self-confidence and the belief that as Jews they are now…

Stolen artefacts in the Museum August Kestner

Stolen artefacts in the Museum August Kestner   The Museum August Kestner is the oldest museum in Hanover. In 1884, Hermann Kestner donated the sizeable collection of Ancient Egyptian antiquities and art belonging to his uncle August Kestner, his own private art collection and that of his father Georg Kestner to the city of Hanover…