Editing team
Willi Duckstein, Sören Köpke, Michael Pechel
Willi Duckstein, Sören Köpke, Michael Pechel
The “Netzwerk Erinnerung und Zukunft in der Region Hannover e.V.” [Network Remembrance and Future in the Hanover Region] was founded in July 2006 as an alliance of some 40 clubs, associations and individuals. Its aim was and continues to be to keep alive the memory of the crimes of National Socialism and to work together to counter intolerance and racism in the world today.
On 16 February 2015, the committee of the “Netzwerk Erinnerung und Zukunft in der Region Hannover” voted by a large majority to set up a registered society. It has since been recognised as a charitable organisation. The Region of Hanover and the City of Hanover local authorities participate by way of an advisory board.
“Stadtjugendring Hannover e.V.” [Hanover Urban Youth Organisation] is the umbrella organisation and voluntary federation of currently 33 youth associations and youth initiatives in Hanover. The “Stadtjugendring Hannover” represents the interests of and is a voice for the youth involved in the associations, but also for those young people who are not part of an organisation in the city of Hanover.
The scope covered by its affiliated associations includes, among others, cultural, faith-based, sporting, ecological or political activities. Its core focus is young people and their interests. The voluntary activities of its staff are the foundation of the work of the member organisations. Through sharing leisure activities, young people are given the opportunity to experience a sense of community with others of their age.
Dr. Heiko Arndt
Max Beeger
Anke Biedenkapp (Vereinsvorst.)
Daniela Bracher
Ralf Buchterkirchen
Dr. Marco Dräger
Horst Dralle (Vereinsvorst.)
Klaus Falk
Wilfried Gaum
Dr. Lutz Gecks
Klaus Gervais
Jana Grünreich
Dr. Jens Gundlach
Rudolf Gutte
Liam Harrold
Andreas Holzapfel
Juliane Hummel
Friedrich Huneke
Michael Jürging
Martina Jung
Heinz-Jörgen Kunze v. Hardenberg
Fabian Lehmker
Klaus Meier
Heidemarie Miehe
Günter Miehe
Oliver Miller
Sylvia Milsch
Kata Miszkiel-Deppe (Vereinsvorst.)
Michael Pechel
Tim Rademacher
Prof. Dr. Barbara Rudnik
Wolfgang Schwenzer („Erinnerungsbußgang Bergen-Belsen“)
Dr. Peter Schyga (Netzwerkreferent)
Tom Seibert (Vereinsvorst.)
Bernd Steinkamp
Hiltrud von der Haar
Günther Watermann („Initiative zum Gedächtnis an die Bücherverbrennung“)
Jürgen Wessel
Tomas Westphale
Dr. Sebastian Winter
Hans-Joachim Wolter
Ada-und-Theodor-Lessing Volkshochschule Hannover
Arbeitskreis Ein Mahnmal für das Frauen-KZ in Limmer
Asta der Leibniz-Universität Hannover
Barsinghausen ist bunt e.V.
BBS 6 – Auschwitzbegegnungsprojekt
Bildungsverein Soziales Lernen und Kommunikation e.V.
Bürgerinitiative Gegen das Vergessen Burgwedel
DGB – Chor Hannover
Förderverein für die Gedenkstätte Ahlem
Leibniz Universität Hannover – Historisches Seminar
Liberale Jüdische Gemeinde Hannover
Otto-Brenner-Akademie – Treffpunkt der Generationen Hannover e.V.
Radio Flora e.V.
St. Ursula Schule Hannover
Stadtteilzentrum Lister Turm
Stattreisen Hannover e.V
Region Hanover
State capital Hanover
1.Vors.: Horst Dralle, Arbeitskreis Ein Mahnmal für das Frauen-KZ in Limmer
stellv. Vors.: Tom Seibert, Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB)
Anke Biedenkapp
Kata Miszkiel-Deppe
Netzwerk Erinnerung und Zukunft in der Region Hannover e.V.
Kirchstr. 1 / Pariser Platz
30449 Hannover
Tel: +49 (0)511 67437122
Scientific advisor: Dr Peter Schyga
for advice and critical review of texts:
Dr. Marlis Buchholz, Prof. Dr. Claus Füllberg-Stolberg, Dr. Wolf-Dieter Mechler, PD Dr. Hans-Dieter Schmid
for the gratuitous transfer of image rights:
Archiv der Region Hannover, Arolsen Archives, AxelHH Wikimedia Commons, Manfred Barby, Leo Baeck Institute New York, Andreas-Andrew Bornemann www.postkarten-archiv.de, Simon Bechtle, Dr. Samuel Bloch, Deutch-Israelische-Gesellschaft – AG Hannover, Ruth Gröne, Werner Heine, Historisches Museum Hannover, Museum August Kestner, Niedersäschsisches Landesmuseum Hannover, Heike Pinkall, Pressestelle Polizeidrektion Hannover, Tim Rademacher Wikipedia Commons, Stefan Schostok, Bernd Schwabe Wikipedia Commons, Sprengel Museum Hannover, Stadtarchiv Hannover, Städtische Erinnerungskultur, Manuel Trollmann, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum