Themed tours to sites of persecution and resistance in Hanover 1933-1945: a civil society initiative project

This website features interactive maps of the city showing 50 locations where people were persecuted during the National Socialist dictatorship in central Hanover. Sightseeing tours focusing on specific themes bring to life the racist persecution of Jewish and Sinti people. They reveal the meeting places and buildings associated with Hanover’s prominent workers’ movement and show how public administration departments and museums profited from financial looting and confiscated art. As what ultimately ended in Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen began in the midst of German society and in full view of its citizens.

The members of the editorial team work on a voluntary basis and the programming was financed by donations. The project has been organised by the “Stadtjugendring Hannover e.V.” [Hanover Urban Youth Organisation] and the “Netzwerk Erinnerung und Zukunft in der Region Hannover e.V” [Network Remembrance and Future in the Hanover Region].

The editorial team


Press reviews

Deutsches Architektenblatt 12-20 Regional Niedersachsen: Das Laveshaus – auch ein Ort der NS-Zeit (PDF)
Stadtkind Hannover Juli 1921: … zu Orten des Finanz- und Kunstraubs in Hannover (PDF)
Gegen Vergessen – Für Demokratie | Nr. 110 / November 2021: Topografie der Verfolgung: Das digitale Projekt „Zukunft heißt Erinnern“ (PDF)

Selected tours to the sites of persecution:

Tour information

All four tours through Hanover’s city centre start and end at the ZeitZentrum Zivilcourage opposite the New City Hall. They each take around an hour of pure running time – plus the time you spend at the individual locations. Many of them have been completely changed by the destruction of the war and the reconstruction. We provide many historical photos so that you can imagine the former appearance of the city. It is also helpful to visit the four city models in the New Town Hall to see the changes before your eyes.

Selected sites of persecution and resistance:

Information on the sites of persecution

Almost 50 places in Hanover’s city centre document local persecution and resistance against the Nazi dictatorship: former homes of people in front of whom Stolpersteine (Stumbling Stones) now lie, trade union buildings, seats of authorities and Nazi party offices, cemeteries and monuments erected in the post-war period. We have linked many of these places through thematic city tours, others you can visit separately – analogue on foot or by bicycle or virtually in front of your screen.


Netzwerk Erinnerung und Zukunft

The “Netzwerk Erinnerung und Zukunft in der Region Hannover e.V.” [Network Remembrance and Future in the Hanover Region] was founded in July 2006 as an alliance of some 40 clubs, associations and individuals. Its aim was and continues to be to keep alive the memory of the crimes of National Socialism and to work together to counter intolerance and racism in the world today.

On 16 February 2015, the committee of the “Netzwerk Erinnerung und Zukunft in der Region Hannover” voted by a large majority to set up a registered society. It has since been recognised as a charitable organisation. The Region of Hanover and the City of Hanover local authorities participate by way of an advisory board.

Logo Stadtjugendring Hannover

Stadtjugendring Hannover e.V.

“Stadtjugendring Hannover” [Hanover Urban Youth Organisation] is the umbrella organisation and voluntary federation of currently 33 youth associations and youth initiatives in Hanover. The “Stadtjugendring Hannover” represents the interests of and is a voice for the youth involved in the associations, but also for those young people who are not part of an organisation in the city of Hanover.

The scope covered by its affiliated associations includes, among others, cultural, faith-based, sporting, ecological or political activities. Its core focus is young people and their interests. The voluntary activities of its staff are the foundation of the work of the member organisations. Through sharing leisure activities, young people are given the opportunity to experience a sense of community with others of their age.